吉峯 勇二郎

1983年生まれ。15歳でエレクトリックベースで音楽活動を始める。高校卒業後、田島良一氏に師事しジャズを始める。2003年、University of North Texas にJazz Performance 専攻で留学。Lynn Seaton氏に師事する。2009年同校卒業。

テキサスでの留学中にBernard Wright (Miles Davis Group, RH factor, Marcus Miller Group ), Bobby Sparks (RH factor, Marcus Miller Group), Shelly Carrol (Duke Ellington Orchestra) など、多くのミュージシャンと共演する。

テキサスでのジャズ、ロック、ゴスペル、TOP40 バンドなどジャンルにとらわれない精力的な演奏活動の後、2009年夏に活動の拠点をニュー ヨークへ移し、数多くのライブ、セッション等に参加している。2011年より活動の拠点を日本に移し、都内のライブハウスで勢力的に活動している。


Born and Raised in Kaoshima, Japan, Yujiro Yoshimine started playing the electric bass at age 14. His serious attitude toward playing bass allowed him to join many local rock and funk band in the city, and he had many performances while he was in high school. He also attend Yamaha Popular Music school from 1998 to 2001 ,and learned basic music theory and piano as well as electric bass.

In 2003, He moved to Texas to receive his Bachelors of Jazz Studies at the world renowned University of North Texas. While he was in school, he studied with Professor Lynn Seaton., and performed in a lot of big bands and small groups in school. At same time, he was active bass player in Dallas- Fort Worth jazz scene. He performed in most of jazz venue in the area such as Sanbuca Jazz cafe,Scat jazz Lounge, House of Blues Dallas, and Brooklyn jazz cafe to name a few. He also performed at Denton Art and Jazz festival.

He was the host bass player of Sandaga Market jam session over one year, and performed with wolrd wide jazz legends such as Bernard Wright (Miles Davis Band , Marcus Miller) , Bobby Sparks (Marcus Miller), and Shelly Carroll (Duke Ellington Orchestra, Tonny Bennet ). He finished his undergraduate program at University of North Texas in 2009 summer. Right after that, he moved to New york city to further his career in music. He has been active bass player and played in many jazz venues such as Puppets Jazz bar, shrine and Vox Pop to name a few.

He currentry livesv in Tokyo, and playing for many artists.


出生于1983年。自幼学习⻉贝斯,被多家媒体誉为“⻉贝斯”神童,15岁就开始作为专业⻉贝斯演奏家进⾏行⾳音乐活动,得到⽇日本⾳音乐界的⼲⼴广泛关注。 2003年吉峯先生只身前往美国南德克萨斯大学留学,攻读爵士乐演奏方向。

并跟随世界顶级爵士演奏大师Lynn Seaton进⾏行学习,2009年毕业。

在德克萨斯留学期间,与Bernard Wright (Miles Davis Group, RH factor, Marcus Miller Group ),Bobby Sparks (RH factor, Marcus Miller Group), Shelly Carrol (Duke Ellington Orchestra) 等多名世界顶级乐手合作演出,在美国获得了很高的威望。

在得克萨斯州积极参加全美top40的乐队演出,⻛风格不仅仅局限于爵士、摇滚、福音这些,此外还从2009年夏天开始,为了提高自身突破,将演出活动据点从德克萨斯转移到音乐最大都市—–纽约,并开始了顶尖职业乐⼿手⽣生涯。 2011年回到日本东京,至今活跃在东京音乐的舞台上。


出生於1983年。自幼學習斯,被多家媒體譽為“貝斯“神童,15歲就開始以專業貝斯演奏家演出,得到日本⾳樂界的廣泛關注。 2003年吉峯先生前往美國北德克薩斯大學留學,攻讀爵士樂演奏專業。並跟隨世界頂級爵士演奏大師Lynn Seaton學習,2009年畢業。

在德克薩斯留學期間,與Bernard Wright (Miles Davis Group, RH factor, Marcus Miller Group ),Bobby Sparks (RH factor, Marcus Miller Group), Shelly Carrol (Duke Ellington Orchestra) 等多名世界頂級樂手合作演出,在美國獲得了很高的威望。

在得克薩斯州積極參加全美top40的樂團演出,風格不僅侷限於爵士、搖滾、福音音樂等,此外還從2009年夏天開始,为了提高自身突破,將演出活动據點從德克薩斯州 轉移到音樂重鎮—–紐約,並開始了頂尖爵士樂⼿生涯。 2011年回到日本東京,活躍於東京的音樂舞台至今。
